BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions
You are here: BlueCielo TeamWork Administrator's Guide > About licensing > Viewing license usage
Viewing license usage
At times, it can be helpful to know how many users are connected to a TeamWork system:
- When preparing to perform vault or server maintenance
- If performance problems occur
- To forecast future growth needs
To view the current license usage:
- In TeamWork Administrator, select License Server in the left pane. Property page tabs appear in the right pane.
- Click the Users tab. The current quantity of each registered license type is shown in the Licenses list.
- Select a license type in the Licenses list. The names of users currently claiming that license type are shown in the right-hand list.
Note You cannot release claimed licenses or disconnect users from the TeamWork application server in TeamWork Administrator.